Excellon To G-Code converter

Use this utility to convert excellon format data file to G-Code format data file with positioning corrections.

Instalation :

Just copy exe file into directory you would like to run it from. If you use it as Mach3Plugin - just copy dll file into Mach3 PlugIns directory, run Mach3 and allow this plugin in Mach3 menu. Restart Mach3. It should be available in Mach3 Plugins menu then. The X and Y axe positions as well as camera picture ( if you have any ) will be catch and transferred to HappyExcellonToGCode program.
Remark : Camera video is tested with WinXP version only !
( let me know by e-mail if it works or not on diferrent versions too )

If you consider to buy full version without freeware limitations, please send e-mail request to address lura@lura.sk .

Few tips :
- all position and output file units are in .XX mm format
- work area is 300x300 mm ( dont try to load biger one ), however its limited to 120x120mm in freeware version
- always use positive coords
- place your designs near to coords origin into 1.st quadrant in CAD
- generate Excellon file from CAD with options :
* use absolute coords system !
* keep leading and trailing zeros !
* use 4.2 / mm number format

1, Load input file
2, Place board into machine
3, Position machine into Red and Green points manualy and enter coords into edit fields
4, Press GO ! button and wait for calculation ( it usually takes couple of seconds )
5, Load generated GCode file into machine
6, Run machine with disabled Z axe, just to check if positionning is OK
7, Switch on driller and axe Z
8, Drill
9, E-mail me back your result report :-)

Generated: Thu Feb 6 20:42:15 2025